
I am Abram J. Stamper. I am a full stack software engineer with experience building highly-scalable, production-grade web applications. Graduating magna cum laude, I received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Systems from Taylor University. My concentration was software engineering. It focused on the agile software development in a university-sponsored software development company. If you're not familiar with Taylor University, it is a private, Christian, Liberal Arts school located in the cornfields of Upload, Indiana. While attending Taylor, I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I was actively involved in representing students to administrators and coordinating student activities as the student body treasurer for two years. At Taylor, I experienced exponential spiritual and personal growth. Before attending Taylor, I graduated from Kokomo High School, in my hometown of Kokomo, Indiana. During my senior year, I was awarded the Wherrett Memorial Scholarship. Without the scholarship, I would not have been able to receive an exceptional education from Taylor.
In my current role, I am currently working as an Advanced Software Engineer for Aptiv. Aptiv is a tier one automotive supplier and technology company. My team and I work in advanced development for Active Safety and User Experience business lines. Due to the nature of advanced development, much of what I am currently working on is confidential, as my team is tasked with developing intellectual property for Aptiv. Essentially, I work as a product and concept developer for Aptiv's AS/UX product lines.
My interests are peaked by developing people, creating innovative products, and learning new things. I'm always open to engaging and exciting opportunities. I self-identify as an entrepreneur. While I'm not currently pursing any businesses, I have had two successful businesses in Kokomo while in College and High School. I chose to study computer science in college because I excelled at abstract problem solving and wanted to be able to use it to bootstrap a company. In addition to computer science, I studied scaling businesses and entrepreneurship during college. I attended Praxis Academy, which is a week-long, Christian entrepreneurship summit. I plan to return to entrepreneurship someday in the distant future. As important as it is to be a leader, it's also important to learn when to follow and support others. This is a place I'm currently experiencing personal growth as I work in corporate America with a large management structure. When I choose to pursue entrepreneurship again, I won't regret taking the time now to gain broader perspective and experience personal growth. I have a passion for creating innovative concepts by using design thinking principles. From my passion to learn new things, I have a breadth of knowledge spanning many different fields from psychology, management, software engineering, UX design, history, finance, business, technology, science, and many more; I see entrepreneurship at the intersection and culmination of all my interests. Having that breadth of knowledge allows me to cast a vision as a leader and see the big picture. However, having a detail-oriented personality, I can envisions the steps necessary to carry that vision into fruition.
If you'd like to connect with me or feel like I would be a good fit for your organization, reach out to me at any of the links in the footer.